The Full Story
Spare the Rod Parenting
Spare the Rod Parenting was created as a place for Jaclyn to become the parent she wanted to be. As a mother to an inquistive and determined toddler, she found herself struggling strike a balance between characteristics that defined her childhood growing up in a Black home, and implementing the evidence-based practices she had learn through her training and academic work. She took to social media for other stories and found that although there is no shortage of excellent Black parents, there is a lack of Black voices in the parenting expertise space. Jaclyn began to research, attend trainings, and codify her learning to find ways to honor the best parts of her childhood in a Black household , while implementing research based, parenting approaches that are affirming and empowering.
Out of her work on herself, Jaclyn founded Spare the Rod Parenting. Our goal is to create a space to provide other parents with a community to sharing tips and strategies, offering a share their own stories, and for us to learn together to become the parents we are meant to be.

Spare the Rod Parenting exists to empower parents to create respectful, joyful, loving relationships with their children that last a lifetime.
Through coaching, courses, and community Spare the Rod Parenting provides approachable and practical strategies for parenting children 3-12 years old.