As a parent, you know the importance of taking care of yourself in order to provide for your family. However, as we all know, it can be difficult to find time to do things that are good for us- especially when we're so busy. If you're looking for some self-care ideas that will work even with your kids around just keep reading!
Self-care isn't just spa days and naps (although both of those sound amazing right now.) True self-care means taking the time to attend to your health and well-being in ALL areas, not just your physical health and hygiene. For me, it has become increasingly difficult to find "me time" since becoming a mom of 2. Between diaper changes, breastfeeding, playing with my toddler, and doing the bare minimum around the house, it seems likes there's no time to do the things fulfill me! Nevertheless, it is important. We've heard it before: in order to take care of others, we must first take care of ourselves.
Setting aside time for self-care is important, even if it’s just one minute.
Some of these ideas may seem like they're more for relaxation, but even when we don't have time to do something that's a true break from the routine, just making sure you're getting enough sleep and drinking plenty of water can be considered self-care.
When you're ready, try incorporating some of these other strategies into your day to take your self-care up a notch. And eventually, our kids will be older, more self-sufficient, or at least in school and we will be able to devote more of our time to taking care of ourselves.
Self-Care Strategies
1. Listen to music you actually like. Take a break from listening to CocoMelon on repeat and play a song or two you want to hear. Whether is a slow jam to calm your nerves or your favorite club remix to get your energy up, turn it up and enjoy! Isn't time your kids heard some good music anyway? And, if need be, find the KidzBop version. It won't completely satisfy your nostalgic mood, but you might be able to avoid the stress of explaining what an apple bottom is.
2. Get dressed up (or down). Go in your closet and pick out an outfit that you feel good in. Maybe its a flattering dress you never bother to wear because you'll "just be around the house". Or maybe you get out of your usual jeans and t-shirt and put on a cute workout ensemble (work-out not required). They say "If you look good, you feel good". Well, I'm a believer that if you feel good, you feel good. For me, its a pair of high waisted leggings, a loose t-shirt, and cute patterned sneakers.
3. Eat outside. Change up your routine and serve a meal outdoors. You can throw together a picnic, or just grab your sandwich and eat it on the porch while your kids play in the yard. The fresh air and change of scenery can do wonders for your spiritual, emotional, and environmental wellness.
4. Stretch. No time for a full workout? Stretching has plenty of benefits for our bodies including stress reduction, reduced anxiety, and increased energy. Try it out solo or pop on a YouTube video and invite your kids to join in.
5. Light a candle. Sensory experiences can seriously contribute to our mental and emotional well-being. Choose a scent that gives you what you need. Lavender for stress reduction. Peppermint for concentration. Cinnamon for energy. Whatever you pick, breathe it in and let it wash over you.
6. Happy Hour at Home. A drink (or two) can be a nice way to relax and let off some steam. Buy the ingredients for your favorite cocktail and mix it up at home. Want to include the kids? Pour them a cup of their favorite drink and enjoy them together. Cheers!
7. Journal. Take some time while your kids are drawing, doing homework, or watching TV to do some writing . Write about your day, write a to-do list to clear your head, or jot down what you're grateful for. What a great way to reflect and focus inward for a few moments.
8. Declutter your social feed. Unfollow and unfriend any accounts that don't bring you joy. Does an account push unrealistic body expectations that have you judging yourself? Goodbye. Are you still friends with that classmate from high school that annoyed you 20 years ago, and still bothers you today? Later. You don't owe anyone your social media loyalty if their content is no longer serving you.
9. Listen to an audiobook. Instead of curling up with a book like you might have pre-kids, pop in your headphones and listen to your latest read. Household tasks don't have to keep you from the book you've been waiting to read. Audiobooks give us a chance to multi--task.
10. Practice mindfulness. Set intentions, meditate, breathe. These are all strategies you can do amidst the chaos. These can improve your own mental health and simultaneously help you show up better for your kids. Want to get them involved? Look up kid-friendly mantras or guided meditations and practice them together.
It can be hard juggling all of the responsibilities and obligations of being a mom or dad, but there are plenty of strategies out there to keep you on track. Which strategy from today’s blog post resonated with you? What will you do for self-care this week? Let us know in the comments below!